Period 1 - 9:30 am -10:30 am
Period 2 - 10:35 am -11:35 am
Period 3 - 11:40 am - 12:40 pm
Lunch - 12:45 pm - 1:15 pm
Period 4 - 1:15 pm - 2:15 pm
Due time for work to be complete is 11:59pm.
Do NOT leave class early!
Students, please note that this will be a real workday with four classes, just like a regular school day. It’s important to stay engaged and take full advantage of the learning opportunities provided.
That means being present in your Google Meet sessions, actively participating on camera, and avoiding distractions (we’ve all come a long way since those COVID-19 days!). Teachers will also be monitoring your Chromebook on GoGuardian.
Just to clarify, these are synchronous learning days, so you’ll be attending live classes - NOT an asynchronous day or a day off. Let’s make it a productive and positive day!
Our Virtual WT Class expectations include:
• Bring your BCPS Chromebook and charger home the night before any potential inclement weather. Please make sure you’re using your BCPS-issued device, not a personal computer or cell phone, for our sessions.
• Attendance will be taken for every class, so be sure to join the Google Meet on time using the link provided on your teacher’s Schoology Page. Stay for the entire session—don’t leave early!
• Be camera-ready and engaged. We need to see your smiling faces during class! Use the time before class starts to get ready for the day and get comfortable on camera. Stay involved in the lesson, respond when called on, and actively participate. Your teachers are excited to interact with you!
• Keep your mic muted until it’s your turn to speak. When you’re called on, be ready to unmute and respond quickly.
• Keep the chat open and be prepared to participate in writing when needed. Teachers will share links, instructions, or other updates there. If you need a quick break (like a restroom trip), just let your teacher know in the chat and keep it brief.
• If you run into any technical issues, message your teacher in the chat so we can troubleshoot together.
• Check Schoology for any assignments that might be part of our session. These should be completed during class unless extra time is needed. For students who do not need extended time assignments are due by 11:59 PM that day.
• Wait for dismissal at the end of class. Important information may be given at the end of the class.